Seasonal Rhythm
A primary focus of ours is acknowledging and living in harmony with Earth’s seasonal rhythms. We support children’s connections with the natural world by bringing the qualities of the seasons to their awareness through the activities we do, conversations we have, and celebrations we enjoy together. We celebrate a LOT and are inspired by our seasonal observations of nature, the solstices and equinoxes, and different cultural holidays from around the world.
Autumn: September, October, November
Qualities: The Autumnal Equinox, moving into harvest, abundance, bounty, outward energy, heat, busy outdoor activity, from unstructured time to rhythm, light to balance, changing colors, rich earth tones, crisp air
Celebrations: Harvest Festival, Martinmas Lantern Walk.
Winter: December, January, February
Qualities: Winter Solstice, dark cocoon, outer stillness, inward cultivation of thoughts, feeling, expression of inner light, busy time spent indoors with family and loved ones, togetherness, union, hope, trust, the invisible is more available, isolation, stillness
Celebrations: Winter Solstice Spiral Walk, Mid-Winter celebrations, often happening near Valentines Day. Lunar New Year for many countries.
Spring: March, April, May
Qualities: Spring Equinox, birth and rebirth, newness, awakening, balance, preparation, cleansing, uplifted, more light, lots of inward energy bursting outward, opportunity, garden, colors, flowers, floral scents, the beginning of the energetic new year.
Celebrations: Spring Equinox, Barefoot Boogie to wake our bodies up after winter’s rest, Persian New Year, Earth Days in many cultures, Beltane (May Day, Mid-Spring)
Summer: June, July, August
Qualities: Summer Solstice, celebration, abundance, high energy, most possible light available, outward activity, visibility, high stimulation remedied by lots of time spent outside…on the earth, in the water, gardens, independence, physical activity, heat, unstructured time, vacations, leaving home, adventures, travel, change of scenery and pace
Celebrations: Summer Solstice, seasonal outdoor adventure, Mid-Summer school social and forest picnic

“I don’t want you to just sit
down at the table. I don’t
want you just to eat and be
content. I want you to walk
out into the fields where the
water is shining, and the rice
has risen. I want you to stand
there far from the white
tablecloth. I want you to fill
your hands with mud, like a
~Mary Oliver